Have you ever had to clean out your house when moving or just to declutter? If so, I am sure you know just how many unwanted belongings you come across or realise you don’t need anymore. It can be a difficult decision to get rid of them or throw things away because they’ve been with you for so long, but the reality is that you’re never going to use them again and they simply take up too much space!

If you can make money from your unwanted belongings as my friend Paul Hurdsfield did then it certainly softens the blow of giving up things that have been with you for years. If you look at it in simple terms, all that stuff stuck up in the attic or garage is just money you’re ignoring and hiding away never to be used – that seems kind of crazy doesn’t it?

SO here are 3 things you can do to make money from your unwanted belongings.

Garage Sale

Probably one of the oldest and trusted ways to get rid of things quickly. You put everything out on the driveway in front of your garage, put the word out about the date you’ll be selling and then wait for people to come by. You usually negotiate on prices but it is fun and you get to have a laugh with your friends and neighbours too.


This is the place to go if you have expensive items or rare items because you reach a huge audience and can get a very good price for your items too. It could be a Paul Hurdsfield record collection, collectors item, memorabilia from a sporting event and more, whatever it is Ebay and ETSY are the places for you. It’s really easy to setup and they do all the work for you, so you can just sit back and wait for buyers all around the world to come in.


Facebook is free and being used by an increasing number of people to sell their second hand goods. It’s good to use the social media site because you can target people in your local area – all you have to do is find pages for your area and put the pictures with the price, no matter how large or small. I love it because you get the cash in your hand, it’s easy to deliver and you may even get to know more people from your town.