Back when credit cards first became available they were very straight forward and there was very little option about the type of credit card you could choose. Nowadays there are many options for credit cards, gone are the days when each bank produced one card with just one set of features. Now banks are offering credit cards with different rates of interest, varying reward programmes, so before you make your decision on which card you choose you need to choose which is best for you.

Here is a brief description of some of the most popular cards:

Standard credit cards

These are the most commonly chosen credit cards and are readily available from most banks. You do not have to put down any type of deposit to prove that you can repay the money, this means that they are unsecured. The annual rate is usually calculated in different ways for these cards. Two types of examples are balance transfer credit cards and low interest credit cards.

Credit Cards with rewards programmes

These types of credit cards offer incentives to customers when they make purchases with their credit card. You will earn points for every pound that you spend, you can them redeem these points for numerous rewards. Customers applying for these cards will need a better than average credit score. The main types of rewards cards are; Cash back cards, General reward points cards, Hotel or Travel points cards, Retail rewards cards, Petrol cards with points or rebates.

Airline mile/frequent flier credit cards


Whilst there are a lot rewards cards, the ones involving airline rewards are some of the most popular. There are two kinds of cards; 1) the cards that allow points to be redeemed for plane tickets and 2) cards that will earn you air miles on every purchase you make. Many of the cards are now offered in conjunction with a specific airline, you will see that a lot of the cards are branded with the airline’s logo. The cards that are not branded with a logo from an airline are usually the type of card that you can use for rewards with many airlines. 

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