Author: Elda Hamaker

Bohemia Bagels

Yes, yes. Everyone and their mother (and their aunt’s uncles and cousins) knows about the world famous Bohemia Bagels. It’s so famous in fact, that it’s become somewhat more of an institution than a restaurant. But just a couple of weeks ago, they went and completely revamped their menu! Rolling out some oldies and bringing in a slew of tasty new meals to enhance your bagel, or non-bagel experience. A wide selection of wraps, Sesame humus delight, new bagel types, new sandwiches (try the Chicken Tikka!) and a slew of other new assorted flavors and sizes, the Bagel continues...

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La Casa Blu

In a city starved for one bloody Latin restaurant worth it’s weight in guacamole, the closest thing we’ve manage to uncover is this quaint cozy & dive called La Casa Blu…

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The Czechs Play Ball

Ten years ago, if you asked your average Czech what they knew from the sport of baseball – they would have responded with a confused look, and go upon their merry way playing soccer, hockey or tennis.

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