Mobile phones are the most important travel essential. Don’t take it from us: according to a survey conducted on behalf of, most travelers consider their mobile phone to be their most essential travel item brought along for the journey.

With this in mind, you probably want to think twice before deciding to leave town without device protection. Take some time to look for the best iPhone Xs case in your budget. A $25 investment can help ensure you aren’t without the many benefits of a smartphone while embarking on your travels.

The following will further explain the importance of mobile devices for travelers:

Keeping in Touch with Loved Ones

Traveling, especially when the destination is someplace exotic, is one of the most enriching experiences of your life. But, the more time you spend away from home, the more difficult it is to keep in touch with your family. How can you keep in touch with friends and loved ones when you’re overseas?

Thankfully, you can keep in touch with just a few free social apps on your phone. You can use them over Wi-Fi when you want to communicate with your friends and family:

  • Google Hangouts

  • WhatsApp

  • FaceTime

  • Facebook Messenger

  • Skype

Stick to a communication schedule when you’re traveling abroad. It can help combat issues like time differences, voicemails, and missed calls and messages. Plus, it’s better than trying to communicate by SMS or email. Schedule a time or day that works for both of you.

Translating Foreign Languages

You can access a wide variety of language apps like Memrise and Duolingo that can help you learn foreign languages as you travel from country to country. There’s no need to carry multiple tapes or books with you on vacation. The best thing about these language apps is that most of them are free. They’re also very easy to use as these apps do most of the translating for you.

Using Google Maps to Get Around

When it comes to travel apps, Google Maps isn’t one you often hear about. There are plenty of features within the map that help you navigate a new place. Whenever your travel, Google Maps knows exactly you are. Google also has a separate app called Google Trips that gives you access to restaurant recommendations, keep track of your itineraries and reservations, and plenty of offline features.

Sharing Photos of Memorable Places

Sometimes the best experiences you have are when you travel, and you want to capture those memories. That doesn’t mean you have to carry a large and expensive camera. That’s where your mobile device comes in.

There are plenty of photo apps that allow you to take photos. You’re not just limited to the basic camera on your phone. However, the latest smartphones offer features such as portrait mode, 360-degree photos, high dynamic range, and computational photography. They do the work for you, so your vacation photos look as if they were taken by a professional.

You even have the option to edit those photos as the professionals do. Some examples of photo editing apps include Snapseed and VSCO. When you’re satisfied with your photos, you can upload them to Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, and other social networking sites.

Keeping Up With Your Itinerary

Another thing you can do with your mobile phone is create your itinerary and keep up with it. Gone are the days when you created your itinerary by hand or on your computer. There are multiple apps like TripIt and Roadtrippers that will allow you to create your itinerary with ease. That means you have more time to spend with your family and friends.

Mobile phones are a must-have for travelers. Not only do you have access to entertainment while you’re away, but you also can use it for your travel needs. You can use your mobile phone for everything from taking photos and creating your itinerary or keeping up with family and friends. Keep tech safe at all times by using a padded cover or hard shell case.