Author: Elda Hamaker

Delroy’s Gym Kicks Ass!

You may know him, but you don’t want to fight him, and that’s for sure… Delroy has opened Delroy’s Gym and he’s going to teach you how to kick some butt. Choose from Muay-Thai, kickboxing, full contact, karate and Taebo. All of these classes can be taken private or in a group for adults and children of all ages. Especially for you ladies, self defense and boxing aerobics. Or you guys can master a sport that makes hockey look like a girlschool game. So whether you want to kick ass or just look like you could, go check out...

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YMCA Fitness

One of the cleaner and better run fitness centers in town, and it’s practicality for those working in the center, or living in Holesovice… Besides the regular fitness facilities there is a sauna, a solarium, and a swimming pool. Because it’s so reasonably priced (one crown, one minute, minus 10 minutes for changing time!), it can get pretty crowded right after work Monday through Thursday. The music is generally crap (bring your own), and the staff has way too little to occupy itself with, but it has remained a place for both men and women to work out comfortably,...

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Cellarius Vino Mundi

Praha isn’t really Praha unless you get tipsy occasionally… Why not treat yourselves to something other than luke-warm Frankovka and Becherovka for the holidays, by visiting Cellarius Vino Mundi, in the Lucerna Gallery? If you aren’t drunk off of the fumes by the time you saunter to the back of the store, you should peruse the shelves for a wine from your favorite country. (Yes, my dear Yankees, they even have Sonoma Valley vino.) A suggestion: try taking the chill off of those December nights with a bottle of Sandeman porto (398 Kc) poured into a hand blown artsy-fartsy-looking...

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CD Bazar

Looking for some music for your holiday party? CD Bazaar is the perfect place to pick up some inexpensive music to ring in the new year. Prices hover around 250 Kc for a used CD, and if you trade in that Milli Vanilli CD you got as a present in middle school, you can get 1/2 price off of the purchase of something much more danceable. If you have a friend back home who simply won’t believe you when you tell him/her that people really do listen to David Hasselhoff over here, you can pick up a copy of...

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