Author: Elda Hamaker

Bohemia Bagel Holešovice

Bohemia Begal Holesovice

We at Think were lucky enough to stop in on the Bohemia Bagel location on the corner of Dukelských hrdinů and Šimáčkova Street in Prague 7 (just across from the Park Hotel) and it was definitely a treat…

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Make an Escape to the Outskirts

Divoka Sarka

It might be cold and snowy right now, but summer comes every year and its never too early to dream about verdant fields of green and nice lakes of aqua joy, so this month, Think takes you to two of our favourite lake areas in Prague’s not too distant ourskirts…

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The Sirin

cub reporter

The trouble with a story like this is that I simply can’t use it. If I tried my editor would boot me straight out of his nasty little cigar stinking office. You might think I’m speaking metaphorically here, but I’m reporting this accurately. He would literally kick me, right up the back of my bottle green corduroys. Or worse, up the front…

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