This quiz will help you decide whether or not you should buy furniture and sign a good long lease. Answer Yes or No to the following questions.
- Beer?
- You smoke a brand of American cigarettes that you have never seen in America.
- You have more stuff than would fit in your suitcase
- The Ikea catalogue excites you
- You go through negotiations with your boss and keep your job even though you feel compromised.
- Your salary actually exceeds your cost of living.
- You realize that owning property and having a mortgage is possible.
- After drinking absinth you say, “Smooth.”
- You have a favorite Herna Bar.
- You don’t have enough money to go to Thailand.
- You are still meeting people who haven’t heard all your stories.
- You have chosen a location for your wedding.
- You haven’t finished your novel yet.
- You still haven’t mastered Czech.
- You have health insurance.
- You have a pet who is more popular than you are.
- Legal reasons prohibit you from travel.
- You have fallen in love with Czech cuisine: “Mmmm, carp.”
- Your chance to score is still high.
- You kind of like not having to spend occasions with your family.
- Your family is no longer asking when you’re coming home.
- You are still waiting for true love, so it might as well be in a place where there is always a bar open.
- Severance pay goes a lot further here.
- You have to take care of your unstable friends.
- You don’t ever want to be “the new guy” again.
Quiz Scoring
If you answered YES to:
1-8 of the questions: Go back to your own country. you hurry, you can be home get a holiday job, mamma’s boy!
9-17 of the questions: Stick it out, take a Czech lesson job. If you make it through to forget all about the cold harsh
18-25 of the questions: You’ve obviously already burned ticket (many times). Put your and buy a decent bed. And get you can buy an apartment.